As I’ve mentioned, earlier this year I decided to skip over to London for a week. After sorting out my plans to visit from March 14-22 I learned about the UKUUG Spring Conference from March 24-26, and perhaps more importantly, I learned about the conference bursaries. I put off ordering my plane tickets and checked with my boss to confirm that I could extend my trip if I was sponsored for the conference, got his go ahead, and applied.
I learned today that my application was accepted! Wow! Saying I’m excited doesn’t even begin to cover it, and while reviewing the topics today my boss said “where is my passport? I want to go.” Suffice to say, the topics are right up our alley at work and I’ll be taking lots of notes to bring back home.

Decided to purchase my plane tickets for March 14-29th, so I will be flying out late on Saturday 14th for an overnight flight and coming back Sunday afternoon on the 29th. I still need to sort out how to get there/back from the Philadelphia airport, what I’m doing with the cats (Michael wants to look after them, as usual, but settlement on the house is during that time so it might be tricky/impossible) and there some transportation logistics once I’m there to work out. But in all, things are coming together nicely, it should be a fantastic trip, and I’m delighted that I can take a full two weeks for my first overseas trip.
Yay!!! :)
Tuesday, Feb 17th, 2009 at 8:07
Wow, how cool is that? Your boss sounds so laid back….
Are you going to take lots of piccies for us Pleia? (Stock up with extra memory cards and batteries!)
Tuesday, Feb 17th, 2009 at 8:26
Yes, I’ll take lots of pictures :)
My boss is being great about this, while the company can’t sponsor such a trip, the ability to skip off and work remotely as I attend is a huge benefit.