It took a week and a half, but my white G1 finally has a lovely pink case. I wasn’t a huge fan of the white G1 itself, but it certainly was the way to go with the pink case :)

More pictures here:
It took a week and a half, but my white G1 finally has a lovely pink case. I wasn’t a huge fan of the white G1 itself, but it certainly was the way to go with the pink case :)
More pictures here:
Sunday, Jun 21st, 2009 at 14:21
I am getting a white G1 this week! (Not the pink case though)
Sunday, Jun 21st, 2009 at 18:25
That thing is ugly :P
I love my black g1, been using it since it came out.
Sunday, Jun 21st, 2009 at 18:31
Hello I’m Mouahed from Tunisia “North Africa” tunesian Ubuntu member, this is really cool I want to tell you that I like so much Android because it’s based with linux kernel and it’s a pretty OS better than Iphone you did the right choice moreover i want to tell that You schould use banshee a la place de rythmbox beacouse banschee support G1 phones.
Sunday, Jun 21st, 2009 at 21:17
Is that the one from Body Glove? They’re so sweet. I’m picking up a black case from them… so my phone’ll look like an Oreo.
Sunday, Jun 21st, 2009 at 23:42
Her Royal Pinkness strikes again!
I’d be interested to know how you find Android / the G1 when you get used to it.
Monday, Jun 22nd, 2009 at 18:12
Pink? Lavender by any other name would smell the same.
Saturday, Jun 27th, 2009 at 16:48
where did u get that case plz tell me i’ve been looking for one for ages nd i hav the white g1 2