I discovered Cantillon with Michael a couple years ago over at Union Jack’s Inn. Wow. I’ve since had it in bottles one other time, and last year I was able to snag it on tap during a lambic happy hour downtown at Zot.
Tonight I was up at my local place-to-buy-singles (grumble strange state laws) and hit the Cantillon take-out jackpot! They had 2 Cantillons chilled, and another case had just come in, which they opened for me while I was checking out.

Of the three, I’d only ever tried one before, the Rosé de Gambrinus. I’m very excited about the Vigneronne, which I might crack open with some fish later this week. The Bruocsella 1900 Grand Cru was the one they had just received in, I think I’ll be saving this for a special occasion.
Wednesday, Jul 8th, 2009 at 4:33
Interesting infusions… Beer and Raspberries?
What is the alcohol content of Bruocsella 1900 Grand Cruthe? Looks like if you had straight hair before you drink it, you would have curly hair after!
No way would the design for Rosé de Gambrinus be allowed here.
Wednesday, Jul 8th, 2009 at 4:38
How do I get a little picture on the comments page Pleia?…. I will work for free for a week if that is required, but a bribe is out of the question…. unless you take UGD (Ugandan Dollars) in which case here is 10,000,000 UGD (or roughly about $1.50c.
Wednesday, Jul 8th, 2009 at 7:57
How do you like the Cantillion vs Lindeman’s? I’ve been looking for the Cantillion in the area, but haven’t found a place that carries them yet, so haven’t had the chance to try them.
Wednesday, Jul 8th, 2009 at 21:32
Pictures in icons, good question, I’m not sure :) Will look into it.
Cantillons are much more sour than the Lindeman’s, which tend to focus on being nommy fruity. Even the raspberry Cantillon (which is very sweet in Lindenman’s) has quite a strong bite to it.
Sunday, Aug 9th, 2009 at 19:26
Lindemans makes “new style” lambic/geuze/etc., while Cantillon makes “old style” (traditional) lambic/geuze/etc.
As pleia2 says: new style doesn’t use the old recipes, but tries to cater to the sweet taste most people seem to prefer these days…
’nuff said (IMNSHO). :P