On Saturday morning I met up with fellow Ubuntu Pennsylvania LoCo members Kevin and Stephen over at FreeGeekPenn in Ephrata.

FreeGeekPenn’s mission statement:
FREE GEEK PENN is a non-profit organization that recycles used technology and provides computers, education and access to the internet to those in need in exchange for community service.
Our intention for meeting up with them was to see how our team could lend a hand in their operations.
I came bearing Ubuntu gifts and we were welcomed very warmly by the staff. We immediately were able to speak with one of the organization founders, Stephen Bailey, who was helpful and gracious, eventually giving us a full tour of the facility. He was joined by their resident “Linux Guy” Adam Markley.
Obviously our team was there to lend support on the Linux side of things, our discussion revolved around a few major topics, and avenues that our team could help with:
- Intro to Ubuntu Classes
- PCs being sent to Africa programs (possibly deploy Ubuntu rather than shipping them OS-less)
- Desktop deployment (perhaps a bit premature, they outlined issues encountered the last time they tried this)
I’ve put together a wiki page detailing our possible collaboration options and notes about their past Linux deployment experience:
It will be interesting to see where this collaboration goes. I think starting out with Ubuntu Classes, working with their systems-to-Africa program, and in general being available as free “Linux Experts” will do wonders for the acceptance of Ubuntu over there.
As a final note, they are in need of an experienced grant writer to work with them on funding, if you know of anyone please let them know (or let me know and I’ll put you in touch directly).
Tuesday, Jul 28th, 2009 at 22:03
Were those *foil* Ubuntu stickers? I replaced my Windows sticker with a white Ubuntu sticker from System76, but I was disappointed it wasn’t foil :(
Tuesday, Jul 28th, 2009 at 22:07
They sure are! I picked them up at the ZaReason store when I bought my “Friends help Friends use Linux” T-shirt :)
I have extras, you’re welcome to a few if you want.
Wednesday, Jul 29th, 2009 at 17:31
Don’t you ever slow down or rest Pleia?
Wednesday, Jul 29th, 2009 at 17:57
Oops, ‘Tis I again…..
Just dropped a statement/comment/question/idiotic/misinformed rant (please delete as appropriate) over on the Pennsylvania Team – US page about the FreeGeekPenn wiki…
Am I barking up the wrong tree or simply barking mad? (reaches for the Napoleon costume and the feather duster)