I’m glad I started keeping a calendar last year, I don’t think I’d be able to live without one now. My task list is still an issue though, am currently trying out a few solutions to this, Goog Calendar now has tasks built into it, hmm.
Last week I had a lovely dinner with Crissi, followed by seeing Julie & Julia. Not my typical movie, but I think part of me enjoyed it that much more because it wasn’t. It was a nice evening out, I got to hear about the madness that ensues a week before a wedding (she’s getting married today, I’m leaving for it soon, this will be the first wedding I’m attending since the divorce) and just kick back with a couple of drinks and a new friend. I really should do this more.
This past weekend my boyfriend was in town. It was a bit of a whirlwind of a trip, as his trips out here tend to be. Meeting up with friends, family, and getting things done. We did manage to spend a nice chunk of quality time together though, a couple of nice dinners alone, including one over at Melting Pot, yum! We also were able to see District 9, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but we saw it in the theater down the street from me, which is a bit old and they didn’t fully dim the lights during the movie (maybe this is a Carmike Cinemas thing? The last time I went to a Carmike my experience was similar). Our next visit is in September, over my birthday weekend. I’ll be flying out to SFO on the 25th and returning to PHL early on the morning of the 30th. I have to admit I’m looking forward to it like nothing else.
Wednesday evening was spent shopping and catching up on a lot of things that I let pile up over the weekend. Thursday evening was spent at the first real PLUG into Hive76 meeting, which I’ll expand upon in another post (with photos! there was cake!). And last night I had Michael over for a bit, he brought some delicious Indian food and we chatted as he played with the cats for a bit and we watched some Metalocalypse.
And in the midst of all this stuff were various Ubuntu meetings on IRC and event planning to do. After the wedding today I’ll probably be diving into a lot of that, and tomorrow will be set aside for the same. I also have my PLUG presentation on Wednesday to prepare for, it’s mostly written, just need some practice and review.
Now, off to get pretty for the wedding! …I’ll be wearing a nice dress, around people I met through PLUG. Oh my! Clashing of worlds!