The wedding I attended on Saturday for Jonathan and Crissi was very nice (photos by Andrew Keyes):
There was nommy cake!
And I told #plug folks once the wedding was done (I met Jonathan through PLUG):
Unfortunately, after arriving home after the wedding I was feeling a bit tired, later in the evening I started feeling achy. By Sunday it was a cold, Monday I saw my doctor because I was concerned about a cold with the ongoing sinus issues and the never-ending cough. Ended up being sick for much of the week, even considered finding someone to fill in for my PLUG talk on Wednesday, but I managed to load up on DayQuil and make it through alright. I’ll blog about that soon, and post slides. I started feeling better late Thursday, and today aside from a few side-effects from an anti-biotic (I’ll need to be very gentle on my stomach this coming week) I’m on I’m mostly recovered from the cold.
This afternoon I took my bike, Nessy, down to Tri-County Bicycles for some work on the gears. The guy at the shop was super-friendly and helpful, they will look at the gears over the weekend and reset them. Assuming I don’t need anything replaced, I’m also going to pick up a couple cheap hybrid tires that I can use on both my trainer and on roads – plus won’t be bad for the infrequent dirt trail biking I do these days, no more need to swap out tires when I go from trainer to outdoor riding!
I also recently snagged a small NVidia 8400 GS PCI card for my Xen server. Unfortunately I didn’t do my research first, it was a cheap impulse buy. After hours of struggling with this silly GeForce, I was still having overscan problems (they yanked overscan fiddling support from the linux driver after the 7xxx series, overscanning isn’t too bad so I’ll live with it), video tearing (annoying, I need to try harder to fix this) and I learned that the proprietary nvidia driver doesn’t play nicely with Xen kernels – so I have to boot into a non-xen kernel to watch movies on my TV. I am not impressed, should have gone with a cheap ATI. Still, even with these issues it’s a much better connected-to-tv system than my old Inspiron 7500 laptop, which served me well but really was too slow to be a reasonable player. I’m also considering tossing Nagios3 on the Xen server, now that it’s always turned on either as my Xen testbed server or as my media PC I figure it’s a reasonable machine to run my currently non-existent monitoring infrastructure from.
And now, bedtime!