This evening MJ and I will be heading out to Harrisburg to spend the night out there prior to the Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference (CPOSC). The Ubuntu Pennsylvania team has a table (eep, I need to do some handout printing!) so if you happen to attend, be sure to drop by and say Hi!
In the 3:40PM time slot I will be speaking on “Contributing to Open Source Projects“:
Want to contribute to an Open Source project, but not sure where to begin?
This talk will seek to answer this question and cover: skills which are valuable to open source projects, how to go about getting involved, considerations to be made when getting involved, some of the expected behavior of contributors and what kinds of benefits can come from involvement.

I’m pretty excited. Hooray for small (~150), local open source conferences!
Saturday, Oct 17th, 2009 at 14:07
Lovely graphics.