September was quite a whirlwind month for me, and while I won’t be travelling anywhere on a plane in October (first month I haven’t since June!) it looks like it’s going to be a fun-filled month as well.
Now catching up…
PLUG Into Hive76! We had another successful meeting on the 24th, Kevin Valentine and Jim Fisher ran the show with an LTSP demonstrations and walking folks through imaging. The imaging stuff is primarily for the Ubuntu Pennsylvania collaboration with FreeGeekPenn, but of course can be ported to other projects where we need to image a bunch of harddrives with the same Ubuntu image.

We’ve put our notes from the evening regarding imaging up on our project wiki.
As posted about previously the Philadelphia Mythbuntu Jam was a wonderful success. Matt Mossholder did a myth presentation while John Baab and David Harding stood by as our other two experts to help with debugging and installations. I’ll have to do a write-up about how to host one of these Myth events, they’re always a success and other teams have since asked me for some details.
One of the other things we did was have a raffle for a couple of books I had on my shelf to give away. Raffles tickets are fun and you can pick up a roll big enough to last a lifetime of small events over at Staples for about $8. Nice.

I’ve gone ahead and uploaded more photos here: 20091003 – Philadelphia Mythbuntu Jam – Photos by Elizabeth Krumbach & Stephen Nichols
Aside from regular LUG meetings, the next big event coming up is the Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference over in Harrisburg. In addition to speaking there, Ubuntu Pennsylvania will have a table at the event. I’m pretty excited to be speaking at this conference, and delighted that MJ has decided to fly out Friday morning to spend the weekend so he can be there for my talk. I am the luckiest girl in the world :)
On the Ubuntu front, I have just booked my flight out to Dallas for the Ubuntu Developer Summit for version 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) which I’ve received sponsorship from Canonical for (rock!), and time off from work to attend (thanks boss!). This will be my first UDS, and I’ve never been to Texas before! I’ll be flying out the evening of Monday, November the 16th and returning Saturday the 21st.
The biggest news of all I saved for last. Tuesday morning voting closed on the Ubuntu Community Council Elections, and I was fortunate enough to be elected! While it is an additional commitment of time, I’m thrilled to be working with the amazing folks on the Community Council and it’s a real honor that members of the community put their faith in me to represent them. There are a lot of things I want to say about this, how vital the Ubuntu Women project has been to my success, how important support within Ubuntu Pennsylvania has been (you guys have helped me more than you know, with more than just Ubuntu!), how thrilled I am to lead the way and to become the first female council member, how awesomely supportive my friends and colleagues have been, what a pleasure it continues to be to be involved with the such a rewarding community. Just, wow, so excited!
Tuesday, Oct 6th, 2009 at 23:33
Exciting stuff here Lyz!
It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago when I was running Ubuntu and you weren’t. :)
You’ve now left me in the dust.
Tuesday, Oct 6th, 2009 at 23:38
And yeah, I sure held on to Debian on my desktop for a long time :)
Wednesday, Oct 7th, 2009 at 5:18
Congrats on being voted Pleia….
Now you realize that ANY spare time you had has now gone…. :-)
What does this position entail?
I need to learn more about Ubuntu, so much I don’t know…such a noob..
Wednesday, Oct 7th, 2009 at 12:31
Whoo, congrats!
Wednesday, Oct 7th, 2009 at 12:42
Way to go!
Congratulations on getting elected to the community council. You deserve it, and I’m sure you’ll do awesome.
Happy to have you representing us!