This American Airlines flight offers wifi, so I paid $12.95 to get it. Wince, I know, but the novelty! And really not so bad to keep me entertained during the flight. IRC on a plane, w00t! It’s actually pretty decent, my ssh sessions have been quite zippy. It’ll be nice when wifi on flights becomes more common… power outlets would be nice too, the mini9 will last through this flight but it wouldn’t make it on a trip to California.
I’m on my way to Dallas for the Ubuntu Developer Summit for Lucid Lynx. This will be my first UDS, and I’m very happy that it’s taking place in a city I’ve never been to and it’s for a Long Term Service (LTS) release. Should be a fun and hopefully very productive week, and I’m really looking forward to meeting a lot of people I’ve only worked with online so far and there should be some really great sessions on projects I’ve been putting a lot of work into these past few months.
Otherwise… between trips life has been pretty low-key lately. Doing a lot of Ubuntu project work, reading, working, zoning out in front of the TV (especially when I had a bit of a cold late last week and into the weekend, thankfully feeling much better today). I have a flight early on Saturday morning out of Dallas and I’ll be meeting MJ at the Philadelphia airport (he’s flying in the same morning!) so we can spend Thanksgiving week together, hooray :)
I could have sworn I had more to say, how on earth did I used to blog so often when I my life was less exciting than it is now?
Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2009 at 12:23
WiFi on American Airlines flights? I know who I’m using next time I fly to the USA, then :) That price doesn’t sound so bad by european standards.
I’m suprised they allow SSH though? The last hotel I stayed at blocked everything except plain old HTTP traffic – even SMTP was blocked. Grr.
Looking forward to reading your thoughts on UDS!