I saw The Princess and the Frog with Nita the weekend before last. The verdict? I loved it, probably my favorite movie of the year. It’s no secret that I love Disney animated films, but aside from the standard Pixar gems, none have really captivated me like this one did since Lilo and Stitch back in 2002. The characters were delightful, the bad guy was deliciously bad, and I have to admit to picking up the soundtrack last week, I own a lot of Disney soundtracks but it had been a few years since I picked a new one up. That weekend was also spent enjoying the first snowstorm of the season, Saturday being so bad that leaving my apartment wasn’t a reasonable possibility. Fun snow!

I saw Avatar in 3D on Saturday with Nita and mct. It was less captivating, but it was quite pretty to look at.
Christmas was pleasant, I woke up to a thoughtful Christmas present from Simcoe of paper snowflakes (this means she shredded my toilet paper, gah). I was on call but that wasn’t very time-consuming and I was able to spend the evening with Crissi, Jon and their family at a casual buffet-style Christmas dinner to which I brought freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and mashed potatoes.
My poor car will be going back into the shop. Back in May I had the power window regulator go on the driver’s side, guess what broke last week? Passengers side window regular. This isn’t a cheap fix, and I’m not impressed that this happened less than two months before I’m selling the car. I’ll be calling my mechanic this week to schedule the repair. As emotionally attached as I am to Blinker, and thankful that a friend of mine was able to sell it to me under the conditions he did in the time frame he did, that silly car has been quite the money pit – given all the repairs it needed this year I realized I was spending $200/mo on the silly thing, plus insurance, gas and regular oil changes, yeesh. I have to say, living in San Francisco and taking public transportation everywhere will be a welcome change.
San Francisco! I am moving in less than two months. As mentioned in a previous post I have a lot to do before the move, and MJ and I have been chipping away at that these past couple weeks. We now have plane tickets purchased for the trip, after moving everything on Monday the 15th we’ll be flying out to SF on the 16th. I’m planning on taking the whole week off from work so I’ll have 5 days to settle in before I need to get back to work. I can’t begin to describe how excited I am for the move, every day I think of another reason why it’ll be awesome (today’s reason? sourdough!).
I haven’t talked much about open source project stuff this month. To be honest with plans for the move starting to get rolling, the holidays, and a million other things on my mind I’ve not been as active as in months past, mostly just working on things I already have going as needed. It’s been a welcome break and allowed me to step back and refocus. This past week I’ve been able to get some Debian dev work I’ve been putting off done, there is still a lot to do but I’ve made good progress. I’m also starting to get caught up on my email backlog.
Now going to chill out with some TV. I watched season 4 of Dexter this month, caught up on Burn Notice and Dollhouse. Retro TV wise I’ve been watching Forever Knight and The X-Files. With The X-Files there is a question as to where I should stop, at first I figured I’d stop at the first movie (so, finish with season 5) but it turns out season 6 has some really great episodes, maybe I’ll stop when Mulder leaves in season 7. On the TV menu for tonight? Probably will watch an episode of Season 3 of Star Trek: The Next Generation before bed.
Monday, Dec 28th, 2009 at 23:24
Star Trek!
That’s bad that your car is having problems (again), but at least you got to spend some time on Christmas with friends and that you got an assuredly beautiful snowstorm!
Wishing that you have a happy New Year,
Collin Pruitt (Hellow)
Monday, Dec 28th, 2009 at 23:25
If you ever plan on driving again look into car insurance for non-drivers (seriously there is such a thing). It’ll keep you from being charged as a brand new driver (ie 3x as much) if you do ever get insurance again. Of course YMMV on whether the cost is worth it to you.
Tuesday, Dec 29th, 2009 at 0:49
Actually, I’m planning on adding her to my car insurance when she moves out here. She just doesn’t *want* to drive. :)
That said, we’ll also both be on ZipCar, which claims that their group insurance serves to maintain a credible driving insurance record for members so long as they are active.
Tuesday, Dec 29th, 2009 at 9:27
I wish you all the best in your impending future and the move to SF. You’re a great lady–witty, intelligent and funny. Be safe, take care and (as always from me) May God be with you!
Tuesday, Dec 29th, 2009 at 16:49
If you can Lyz, check out some of the latest Doctor Who episodes, including the specials…especially David Tennant’s last as the Dr…. ;-(
Oh, have a happy New Year to both of you!
Tuesday, Dec 29th, 2009 at 16:57
Thanks Dwayne! :)
@RoboNuggie I will be watching the latest Doctor Who, but I am waiting until the second one comes out too. To Be Continueds are too stressful ;)
And Happy New Year to you too!
Wednesday, Dec 30th, 2009 at 9:28
Always love a bread reference.