Yesterday Chris Johnston announced the upcoming Ubuntu User Day.
From the announcement (emphasis is mine):
The Ubuntu User Days Team would like to announce the first Ubuntu User Day, on January 23, 2010. This will be a very informative one day session geared towards beginner and intermediate Ubuntu users, as well as people who are interested in using Ubuntu. We have 14 classes covering topics ranging from installing Ubuntu, finding help, equivalent programs, using IRC, getting involved in the Ubuntu Community and more. We have enlisted the help of many talented people to lead these classes throughout the day.
These classes will be taught in #ubuntu-classroom with questions being asked in #ubuntu-classroom-chat on irc.freenode.net. Please visit http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays for a complete class list and schedule of classes.
There is also a Spanish version of Ubuntu User Days being offered on January, 23, 2010. Please visit DÃa Del Usuario Ubuntu at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiaDelUsuarioUbuntu for more information on the Spanish Ubuntu User Day!
The classes will begin at 12:00 UTC and end at 3:00AM (Sun) UTC
The birth of this event was at a Community Roundtable session at the Ubuntu Developers Summit back in November in a moment where the remote participation really shined. As soon as the idea came up there Chris Johnston and Penelope Stowe volunteered to help via their remote participation in IRC, and within a few minutes I had an email drafted for the Beginners Team to seek collaboration. As the project grew we enlisted the help of Mark Cox, leader of the North Carolina LoCo Team and Nigel Babu who recruited the help of several Indian LoCo Team members to present for the day and then worked with Nathan Handler to get the Lernid schedule submitted.
It’s been a real delight to work on this project with all these fantastic folks and to see all these teams come together for our first Ubuntu User Day. So join us on Saturday, January 23rd to share with us the fruits of our labors!
Friday, Jan 15th, 2010 at 16:50
I’m really looking forward to this. Have no idea what to expect but I hope it will be a good learning experience for everyone.
Friday, Jan 15th, 2010 at 20:50
I’m looking forward to it too. Hopefully, we’ll have a full house in classroom and classroom-chat :)
Friday, Jan 22nd, 2010 at 5:00
I might have to pop into the classroom at some point during the day :)