OK, so I didn’t break it, it was a software bug, but “Software bug at BevMo!” is not as funny a title (or is it?).
After living in Pennsylvania, land of the notorious PLCB, for eight years, being able to walk in to a BevMo! (a sizeable wine, spirits and beer store chain on the west coast) at 9:30PM is quite a delight. Even in this city store, which I’m told is smaller than those outside the city, there was a great selection of wine and spirits. The beer selection was less impressive, but 1) I’m in wine country and 2) it turns out there are other places I can go in the city for my beer fix.
So our basket is filled and we head to the register, get all ringed up, the cashier pops in the phone number associated with our BevMo card and this pops up:

$11.6 million? Hah! I didn’t think we spent that much… Well, it wouldn’t come off the screen, we had to move to another register as I took the opportunity to snap that picture. Even better? They gave us 5% off our purchase for the “trouble” of encountering that bug and having to move to another register. Nice!
Monday, Mar 22nd, 2010 at 0:48
That’s a real doozy of a bug (:]
Monday, Mar 22nd, 2010 at 15:27
Which BevMo was it?
Monday, Mar 22nd, 2010 at 15:33
@Bryan It was the one on Van Ness in San Francisco.
I have to say that the staff was delightful and eager to quickly resolve the problem by moving us to another register. Kudos to them!
Tuesday, Mar 23rd, 2010 at 6:04
Thanks for this, it made me chuckle. :)