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Upcoming busy weekend: Ubuntu Lucid release parties and a Geeknic!

I managed to pack my schedule around the Release of Ubuntu Lucid, 10.04.

I'm going to the Ubuntu Release Party

The first event I’ll be attending is down at Thirsty Bear Brewing Company in San Francisco on Howard near 3rd.

Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010
Time: 7:30-10:30 PM
Sign-up: Here

Come and join the Ubuntu California LoCo Team in celebrating the Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx release. The party is simple: good people, good drinks, and a good place to hang out. Join us!

At the time of writing we already have 26 confirmed guests!

The following evening I’ll be heading over to Walnut Creek to celebrate with DVLUG at Caffe La Scala

Date: Friday, April 30, 2010
Time: 6-??? PM

No sign-up is required for this event as it will be a bit more informal. I’m really looking forward to kicking back with some fellow California LoCo members and chatting about the new release.

The California team is really rocking for this release, having several events across the state – I can’t even attend all the ones I’d like to! Check out more here:


Bay Area GeeknicsBut I couldn’t let my weekend be exclusively Ubuntu. At the last Berkeley Jam Mark Terranova suggested a series of Geeknics over the summer across the bay area. How can I turn away a Geeknic proposal, after all our Philly Geeknic was the first official “Geeknic” in the world last year! It really is a delight to bring the event to my new home. So planning began and we settled upon the details for our first bay area Geeknic.

Location: Heather Farms Park, Walnut Creek
Date:Saturday, May 1, 2010
Time: 12:30 til 5:30pm

Once you are in the park, follow the penguin signs.

If you need a ride from BART email INFO GIDGETKITCHEN ORG ahead of time or call Mark at (510) 228-4646

Free to attend, bring a dish – it would be nice to let people know ahead of time what you are bringing. Either post on the wiki or on the the Facebook Page.

The park has picnic tables, a few extra chairs would be bonus.

We have 2 extra tables

There are built-in grills. We’ll have at least one extra.

We have one sun canopy and a few large umbrellas to protect anybody from bursting in to flames or getting sunburned. We welcome any other sun protection that you may be able to bring.

Heather Farms is a great location. Many things to do there. Nice gardens nearby, birds to feed, etc. We can also throw a frisbee or use the redball to play a game of kickball.

Sunday? I’ll be preparing for my trip to Brussels, Belgium for the Maverick Ubuntu Developers Summit the following weekend! I’ve wanted to visit Belgium ever since my love of Belgian beer took hold almost a decade ago, and while I won’t have much time for tourism since I’ll be too busy working with the awesome Ubuntu folks at the summit, this is a great opportunity to get a taste of the city and the beer! My only regret is that MJ can’t join me, we’ll have to have a proper European vacation together sometime in the near future :)