I’ve been on call this weekend, which was one of the busier ones I’ve had, but I still had time for other things. Saturday was spent finishing the major painting work of the storage units, I’m so glad that’s almost done, we just need to do some touch up later this week. From there it’s time to start planning how we’re going to move everything from the storage unit down the street to these new in-building units… and finally getting these boxes that are all over the condo in to storage! I can’t wait, as much as my cats love living in box land, it’s getting a bit old for me.
Today I hopped on BART and went over to Berkeley for the Open Computing Showcase.

It was a great event, run by BerkeleyLUG to give people a chance to meet up, learn about open options. ZaReason hosted the event at their “shop” (they don’t sell anything there, but they allow folks to drop by and try devices if you contact them ahead of time) in Berkeley and provided the hardware doing all the demos – including a slim little atom box which was playing HD content without a hitch.

I put more photos over in a flickr album: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/sets/72157624268387948/
However, I was primarily there to meet up with the people behind Partimus, a local non-profit has been deploying Ubuntu machines at several local public schools. They’ve been doing amazing work (and were even featured in a recent Mercury News article) but they need more volunteers and donations to continue their mission. I’ll be helping them expand their online presence by working to document their existing deployments so that potential volunteers and donors have a better idea about the project, as well as seeing if we can start a blog to document events and successes that this very active project is having. I’ll also be spreading the word with the wider Ubuntu community, both locally and internationally. I’m excited, it’s so encouraging to see such a successful project like this and I feel very fortunate that I was invited to be a part of it and do my part to help.

Now I’m going to curl up with a book and round out this weekend on a calm note.