When we picked up our television the other weekend we also took the opportunity to pick up the box we shipped my bike in from PA in and dropped it over at the local bike shop, Pacific Bicycle. Three days later the fantastic staff at Pacific Bikes had Nessy assembled and I was able to ride home! It was my first time riding my bike in the city and it was quite a pleasant experience, San Francisco is quite bike friendly and at rush hour my ride home had me accompanied by several other riders.
On the computer side. back in the 1.2.6 release back in April BitlBee added basic Twitter support. I had been using the Debian Lenny version of BitlBee but finally switched over to the backports.org version with the 1.2.7 release and replaced my beloved tircd service with a BitlBee channel doing the same thing. Upon installation I made one change to the default config:
account set twitter/mode chat
This puts it into chat mode, which creates a separate &pleia2_twitter channel so all tweets don’t end up all in private message window. So far it’s working great, and it’s nice not to have the additional service running. I still have some outstanding projects on the home front with regard to my network (Nagios needs attention, as do backups, oh and must get to that KVM project…). There aren’t enough hours in the day, and events and activities in the city keep dragging me away from my formerly very computer-centric existence!
I’m really loving what an awesome food city San Francisco is, even if it means I haven’t lost any weight since moving here, in spite of going to the gym. Some of our recent restaurant adventures:
We went down to North Beach and had a wonderful dinner at Trattoria Pinocchio, woo Italian! This was the first time I’ve had an Italian dinner down in North Beach since I was pretty Italianed out after leaving Philly.
We also headed over La Trappe Cafe again where I got the standard mussles and frietes, but was also delighted to discover that they had Monk’s Flemish Sour ON TAP! It was a nice treat, even moreso since Monk’s Cafe in Philly recently was hit by a bus and had to close for a couple weeks (and still isn’t open to full service) – La Trappe Cafe may have been one of the only places where you could find it on tap in the world!

This past Sunday we headed over to Beach Chalet for brunch were I was able to enjoy some crab eggs benedict and a Beach Chalet Riptide Red. From there we went over to the beach, which I hadn’t actually been to since my first visit to SF in 2008. I love the ocean and it’s ashame I don’t get out there more often. From there it was a walk over to the Queen Wilhelmina Tulip Garden, a lovely little garden on the edge of Golden Gate Park at the base of the windmill which can be seen from the beach.

Last night in an attempt to beat the heat (100F temperatures in downtown SF yesterday, that’s super hot! Our condo doesn’t have AC!) we headed down to the Sundance Kabuki theater in Japantown to catch a movie. The theater is quite exceptional, offering dinner plates and drinks (alcoholic and non) that you can bring into the theaters. Today I’ll be continuing to try and escape the heat wave, I’ve taken the afternoon off from work and am heading down to the San Francisco Zoo this afternoon, outside is cooler than in my condo and the zoo is right on the beach which is cooler than this side of the city.
I still miss east coast pizza, but fortunately I’ll have an opportunity to get some soon, MJ just booked our flights back to Philly for Labor Day week. I’ll be working from the hotel Tue-Friday but I’ll have the long weekend and my evenings free to visit friends and go out. We’ll also be in town for the Philly Area Geeknic on September 11th!