Moving two people who lived separately into a one bedroom condo in a city is tough. We’ve been working since I moved in to acquire and prepare storage units and organizational systems to meet the goal of getting rid of all the boxes in the condo and settling upon a maintainable organizational solution that we’d both be happy with. We’ve made a considerable amount of progress though, and I’m happy to report that by the end of the year I anticipate all the boxes to be gone and to finally have harmony achieved.
This past weekend we tackled the storage closet in the hallway! It’s detatched from our unit and was part of our grand painting project. One of the challenges with this space was the size and our inability (not allowed!) to drill into the concrete walls, so we had to find a modular, free-standing solution. We found that solution just a couple blocks away at The Container Store during their Annual 25% off Shelving Sale, where we picked up the InterMetro shelving. So we spent some time this past weekend putting the finishing touches on the upstairs closet, hitting Home Depot for a piece of carpet for the floor and building our new shelves.

We also took the opportunity to go through some of the remaining “misc” boxes in the living room. The place still looks like a mess, but over the next few days I’ll finally be populating the closet and bringing the rest of the empty boxes to storage downstairs. Our next goal? Get the office finished, but with MJ travelling for most of October I suspect that will have to wait until November.