On Thursday evening I attended the first Mountain View Ubuntu Hour, where we had 13 attendees! This ended up being a bit of a combination Ubuntu Hour and release party for the folks in Mountain View, and I brought along a few of Ubuntu and Kubuntu 10.10 CDs for attendees.

Thanks to nUboon2Age of Ubuntu California for planning it. In spite of the long commute I hope to attend more in the future! We’re looking at planning a few throughout the Bay area per month, Mountain View joining the regular San Francisco Hours, and perhaps adding one down in San Jose.
This month is pretty busy for the team. In addition to several release parties, there are two more big events coming up for the team in the coming week:
- Sunday, October 24th: Booth at the East Bay Maker Faire
- Thursday, October 28th: Lighting the Maverick LAMP with Ubuntu 10.10
Unfortunately due to my OLPCSF Summit commitments I’m not able to attend the booth at the East Bay Maker Faire, but I will try very hard to catch a train early enough to head down to Yahoo! for the “Lighting the Maverick LAMP” event, it should be a lot of fun.
Saturday, Oct 23rd, 2010 at 12:48
Diggin the pink netbook. I was splainin’ to a new client a couple days ago that I LOVE pink, even used to wear pink suits when I followed the path of the Jehovah’s Witnesses (literally) when I went door to door. Their response was ‘prove it’. Well finding men’s suits in pink is hard recently, especially since I don’t wear suits anymore.
But seein’ all your pink stuff in blogs lately is gettin’ me back on a pink kick. So soon as the money comes, ima’ be able to prove it. :D
Glad to hear the event went good! HUZZAH!