Late last week Melissa Draper spent a couple nights at our home at the tail end of her visit to San Francisco. Friday evening we headed up to Ghirardelli Square for some ice cream sundaes. Then, having finished dessert, we headed back home to meet up with MJ to go out to dinner for a nice piece of Philadelphia at Jake’s Steaks.
Saturday we spent at the latest Bay Area Geeknic!
Coming from the Northeast US, having a picnic in November is a completely foreign idea to me. The weather was warm and sunny, so perfect! In November. I am going to start missing the snow pretty soon.

More photos by Mark are up here:
Mark brought along lots of delicious veggie foods:

And on other grills we made up piles of hot dogs. Mark’s penguin suit came along to the Geeknic too – and for those with flammable concerns, no, he didn’t actually grill in the penguin suit, we were doing some fun promo shots for Geeknics ;)

I’ve put more of my own photos up on flickr:
We ended up with 20 or so people coming out and in all had quite a successful event!