I have to admit, going out and doing things all the time hasn’t left us a lot of time to get down to getting the condo done, we still have boxes around and there are a few major tasks we need to complete before we can call it “done” (as “done” as any home ever is). I’m aiming for the end of February to have the important things done, or at least scheduled, here’s hoping for a box-free March.
Over the holidays we did get one thing tackled: under the sink organization. The Container Store launched their 30% off elfa sale and we took advantage of it.
First we tackled under the bathroom sink. We went with the Cabinet-Sized elfa Drawer frames with baskets, a narrow and an extra narrow 4-runner fit perfectly under the sink. I wish I had a before picture, but it looked something like this: #$#%^$#^%. I could never find anything!

Then it was sorting out under the sink. We actually did the trash can a few weeks back, and as I mentioned then we went with the 8 gal. Undercounter Pull-Out Can. We also needed something for the recycling, so during the elfa sale we also picked up and extra narrow Cabinet-Sized elfa Mesh Easy Glider. The top of the runner easily comes off with the basket, making it super easy to take out the recycling. Win!

Today we received the replacement for the light/fan combo for the bathroom, which we hope to get installed in the next couple weeks. Tonight we’re heading down to Ikea to look at some stand-alone under desk drawer options. Tomorrow morning we’re having an upholstery guy come out to take a look at one of our chairs. Woohoo progress!
Tuesday, Feb 13th, 2018 at 1:38
Are these available in Australia