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Caligula teeth, Buena Vista, Streetcars, V-Day, Interview and Puerto Rico

On Saturday morning we finally dropped Caligula off at the vet for his teeth cleaning.

The bad news: His teeth were very bad, worse than the vet had anticipated. 3 of his 4 canines had to be removed and he’d already lost 3 of his lower incisors! Poor guy!

The good news: Dental disease like this is common, particularly in purebreds, and he’ll do fine without those those teeth. Plus the vet is confident that his abnormal blood levels are a result of the dental disease and we should see an improvement now that his teeth are clean.

Home with recovering Caligula

Unfortunately Simcoe had just started snuggling up to him again on Thursday and now she’s back to hissing and growling at him as if he’s a stranger, sigh! Mostly he seems to be handling it all well though. He goes back to the vet on Saturday for a post-op checkup and for us to get a lesson in brushing his teeth.

For dinner Saturday night we met up with some of MJ’s friends for dinner at the famous The Buena Vista Cafe. I had never been so I went straight for what they were famous for, their Irish Coffee and a Hot Pastrami Sandwich, both of which were delicious and worthy of their fame. We took the cable car home, which is good because cable cars are one of my favorite things in the world and we don’t ride them enough.

Irish coffee at The Buena Vista

Sunday we headed out to Ferry Building for some lunch and for a quick browse around the San Francisco Railway Museum. The Railway museum is small (just a single big room) but it’s a charming little museum with lots of neat little gifts and is free. It’s run by the Market Street Railway non-profit, which does preservation work for the street cars that MUNI runs.

The bay from ferry building

Monday was Valentine’s Day! MJ greeted me in the evening with beautiful flowers and we spent the evening enjoying the Valentine’s Day menu at Absinthe Brasserie & Bar. Now to schedule that spa day

Flowers :)

I mentioned in my last blog post that Ubuntu was working on a diversity statement, and this resulted in me being approached to do an interview for a Linux Pro Magazine blog: Ubuntu Increasing Its Diversity. As I mention in the interview I’m pretty happy that the community is embracing diversity in such a formal way.

Finally – more travel plans! Today I just got the green light from my boss to take a week long vacation in April. MJ is going to a four day conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico and we’re taking the opportunity to go together and enjoy the whole week there. I’ve never been to the Caribbean so I’m super excited about this trip.