On Sunday, April 3rd, several of us from the Ubuntu California Team have teamed up with BerkeleyLUG and will be heading over to Bobby G’s Pizzeria in Berkeley for an Ubuntu Global Jam!

Location: Bobby G’s Pizzeria, 2072 University Ave, Berkeley, CA
Date: Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
Time: noon – 3PM
RSVP: LoCo Directory or email me at lyz@ubuntu.com
RSVP is not required, but it helps me know how many CDs to bring. As far as getting there it’s very close to BART (that’s how I’m getting there!).
So, what’s a Global Jam anyway?
The Ubuntu Global Jam is an incredible opportunity for the Ubuntu community to unite together around the weekend of 1st – 3rd April 2011 to work together to improve Ubuntu. Everyone is able to contribute to the Jam, and everyone is welcome and encouraged to get involved. Curious about how to make a real difference to Ubuntu? This is a great chance to make that difference. — Ubuntu Global Jam wiki page
The first Beta release of Ubuntu 11.04 happens on March 31st (See full release schedule here) and we’ll be focusing on Testing and Bugs during this Jam – but we’re welcoming everyone with an interest in contributing to Ubuntu to come by, ask questions, and work on whatever you’d like.
For testing I’ll be burning some Xubuntu CDs and USB sticks for Xubuntu Live CD session testing and we’ll be answering questions about the basics of Bug Triaging and Ubuntu involvement in general.
Plus, they have my favorite pizza in the Bay Area. So even if you’re unsure about the Jam itself feel free to join us to just eat pizza and talk about Ubuntu!
If you’re not available Sunday, Jono Bacon is also hosting one in Walnut Creek on Friday, April 1st. Not near us? See here for a full list of events around the world!