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Keynoting at Fosscon in July

Last month I was approached by the organizers of Fosscon, taking place in Philadelphia this year, and asked if I would be interested in doing the keynote. It requires a flight across the country, but Philadelphia is my old home and I was delighted by the opportunity!


So on Saturday July 23rd I’ll be giving the Keynote at Fosscon with a FOSS involvement talk I’m calling “Making a Difference for Millions: Getting Involved with FOSS”

The title of the talk is inspired by work I see every day where individuals in the FOSS community submit a patch that changes default behavior for an application and literally makes a difference for millions of users. In addition to the framework of the talk, which will discuss the plethora of places one can get involved, I’m really going to focus on some of the may ways that contributing is satisfying and beneficial, even if the contributions are made sheerly on a volunteer basis.

Registration to Fosscon is free, but there is also a $25 “Fosscon supporter” ticket that includes a gift bag. More details about the conference and registration information can be found at fosscon.org.

One Comment

  • Aoirthoir An Broc

    EXCELLENT. Whenever I have a speaking engagement I always say EXCELLENT, then I rub my hands together and laugh evilly. MUahahahahaha!

    You should do that whenever you have a speaking engagement if you want to. It’s big fun!