I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t know a lot about accessibility, but this past Ubuntu cycle I’ve been fascinated to watch the continued evolution of the Ubuntu Accessibility Team and their efforts to make Unity and all of Ubuntu more accessible to more users.
It was while reading their Ubuntu Accessibility Blog last month that I even saw a way I could help! Alan Bell mentions in the post Meet Daniela that there is an Invisible Exhibition in Budapest going on while we are there for the Ubuntu Developer Summit. What a fantastic opportunity to get Ubuntu contributors together to experience an accessibility consideration first hand!
So I worked with the Hungarian LoCo to get some LoCo members to help us with make plans and registration for the event, plus help us get there on public transit. They really came through and on Wednesday the 11th we’ll be getting a group together to go!
Date: Wednesday, May 11th
Time: Group leaving hotel at 6:15PM, exhibition last entrance at 7PM (but they may stay open late for us!)
Registration is required and being handled through the LoCo Directory here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/949/detail/
We need to buy the tickets for this exhibition in advance and arrange an English language guide so we request that everyone registers by this Friday the 6th to be guaranteed a spot so we can contact the exhibition with an estimate on the size of our group. However, we will accept registrations through the afternoon of Monday the 9th as we will be purchasing tickets Monday evening.
Costs are detailed here, we’re not sure yet whether we’ll meet the group rate and an English-speaking guide costs extra per group: http://www.lathatatlan.hu/en/what-is-it/tickets/
A couple community members will be handle paying for the tickets up front, and once we know how much final costs are we will let you know and you can pay us at UDS.
We must meet directly after the final session of the day as we plan on leaving at 6:15 sharp to catch public transit over to the exhibition. After this exhibition we plan of going out to dinner, but you’re welcome to make your own plans.
If you have accessibility needs or any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact me lyz@ubuntu.com as soon as possible so we can be sure to make proper arrangements.
Note: It’s sheer coincidence that I’m posting this on Blogging Against Disablism Day, but the day is worth a mention in this post, there have been some really great posts coming out of it.

I highly recommend checking it out!