Back in November we started having bi(mostly)-monthly meetings where we synced up the San Francisco Ubuntu Hour with the Bay Area Debian dinners, and June was no exception! It landed on this past Wednesday, which was also World IPv6 Day, and led to quite the conundrum as to what shirt to wear (Ubuntu? Debian? IPv6? IPv6 won – a Netnod shirt MJ got me with the Gibson quote “The future is here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.” on the front and a giant “IPv6” on the back).
We ended up having 7 people at our 6PM Ubuntu Hour at The Roastery on New Montgomery, talked about how Ubuntu syncs packages from Debian, the exciting work of the new DEX team and various Ubuntu tidbits.

The Debian dinner began at 7PM over at Henry’s Hunan Restaurant on Natoma Street, just across the alley from The Roastery. It was our biggest dinner since November, bringing in 10 people, including 2 Debian Developers (thanks again for coming Devin and Jonathan!). We did a keysigning and ate lots of yummy chinese food.

Hooray for Ubuntu and Debian nights!