On Saturday, September 17th at 16:00 UTC (that’s 9AM my time) I’ll be kicking off Ubuntu Women Career Days by running an IRC-based session in Ubuntu Classroom about my job as a Linux Systems Administrator specializing in Debian and Ubuntu.
Date and Time: Saturday, September 17 at 16:00 UTC
Location: #ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net (#ubuntu-classroom-chat for questions)
I’ll cover the basics of what a generalist Linux sysadmin does and what training and experience required. I’ll then give a bit of history about how I became a sysadmin and what I do on a day to day basis. The session will wrap up with a generous Q&A session.
If you’re unable to attend I’m also offering to answer questions via email after posting the logs if there is anything you wish to ask but wasn’t covered.

Career Days is the brain child of Cheri Francis who was inspired by her own experiences in tech and studies which continue to show that women lack female role models and exposure to tech career opportunities.
If you’re interested in getting involved, please see the Ubuntu Women Career Days wiki page or email Cheri or myself (lyz@ubuntu.com).
These sessions are open to the whole community, you don’t need to be a woman to attend or participate.