While traveling home from Philadelphia I made the very wise decision to book a spa appointment for Monday night. It was great to get some relaxing time in following all the running around we did in Philadelphia and before work we still have to do for the wedding.
Wednesday I hosted a San Francisco Ubuntu Hour. Along with several locals, we had the pleasure of having Michelle Rowley, executive director of Code Scouts, join us while she was in town and were able to have some great education and non-profit focused discussions.

Thursday night we stayed up late but finally got our wedding invitations ordered. We were put into slight panic mode following the venue visit as we realized the date for finalizing the number of hotel rooms we would need was coming up quickly (btw, if we sent you a Save the Date card, let me know if you need a room :)). Getting those completed was only brief relief however, as we have a whole lot more work to do in the coming weeks to finalize plans with vendors and actually get the invites addressed and sent out.
In open source stuff, I’ve had to cut down to bare minimum these past few weeks to accommodate our recent life and travel schedules. I’ve been keeping up with basic email, Ubuntu Classroom requests and the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter at least. And I did take time to answer questions for Emma Marshall, who is tracking down past interviewees in the Ubuntu Women project to do refresher interviews, mine is up here: Ubuntu Women- Where are they now? Follow up with Elizabeth Krumbach. On the speaking side I’ll be presenting on our work in Ghana for the Bay Area Linux Users Group on February 19th and hope to be speaking on “open source cloud stuff” at Ubucon at SCaLE 11x on February 22nd …and I just realized how close these are together.
Tomorrow I’m flying to Seattle for on-boarding at my new job, I’ll get to meet my boss and a couple other members of the team who are coming in for a couple of days. More on that upon my return!