Today the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter released issue 325!

Over these past couple of months I’m happy to say we’ve gained the help of Paul White who has not only been doing a great job helping collect links throughout the week for the newsletter, but has also come through for us each week to write summaries (even on Sunday afternoon when we need some final ones quickly!). But it wouldn’t be fair to continue making Paul write so much! So I’m reaching out to the community again to see if we can recruit more folks.
Looking for a way to help Ubuntu? Paul writes of his contributions: “Apart from reporting bugs I think it’s probably the way that I can most contribute to Ubuntu.”
So, what’s involved?
Summary writers. Summary writers receive an email every Friday evening (or early Saturday) with a link to the collaborative news links document (currently a Google Doc) for the past week which lists everything that needs summarizing. These people are vitally important to the newsletter. The time commitment is limited and it is easy to get started with from the first weekend you volunteer. No need to be shy about your writing skills, we have style guidelines to help you on your way and all summaries are reviewed before publishing so it’s easy to improve as you go on.
Interested? Email and we’ll get you added to the list of folks who are emailed each week and you can help as you have time.
Finally, congratulations to Tiago Carrondo who has been writing summaries with us for several issues and was granted Ubuntu Membership last month!