Back in July we had a plan to spend the 4th of July with family, and those plans fell apart when the whole household came down with COVID-19 just days before we were supposed to leave for our trip. But we still wanted to visit! MJ has a little cousin (now two years old!) who he’d never met, and it had been years since I saw most of my family in Florida. The desire to visit over a holiday was strong too, since then we wouldn’t be quite as restricted as to when we could see people timing-wise. I floated the idea of going for Thanksgiving rather early, and we eventually decided to move forward with it, with eight days in Florida.
Our trip started by flying into Miami and spending four days near Hollywood Beach, and we had Gaby with us to help with the kids during the daytime. On the first day we met up with my cousin Shannon at Frost Science Museum in Miami. Unfortunately our big adventure with her son and ours didn’t quite work out, but Adam and Aaron had an absolute blast at the museum anyway. They had a beautiful Bugs special exhibit, and you know what our boys love? Bugs.
And the ocean focus on a big chunk of the museum was a lot of fun. We also got to see a short planetarium show, this one about constellation stories from around the world, which was fun but we still need to get the boys out to a classic night sky show sometime. Maybe at Chabot when we’re back in California.
There were even some dinosaurs, and some hands-on exhibits where the boys could build paper airplanes and launch them across the room, always a hit.
The next day went better for meeting up with my cousin and her son. We spent the afternoon enjoying a fantastic pool, and I’m glad the boys got to meet, even if they largely ignored each other in favor of splashing pool time. I got to catch up with my cousin, who I hadn’t seen in nearly a decade but who I regularly chat with about kid stuff. She’s been such a life saver when I’m in mom crisis mode.
We also made plans to see MJ’s cousin Rachel, her husband, and their two year old son, finally! Gaby came with us, and found the perfect restaurant: Kosher de Brazil. MJ’s family is Jewish, and Gaby is Brazilian, so it was a nice mixing of worlds, and we all love a churrascaria! It was very good, and we even found some food from the market table (a salad bar, plus!) that the boys would eat. Aaron and our little cousin had a lot of fun running and dancing around the restaurant together, though we did have to rein them in a bit so they wouldn’t disturb other diners.
We were also in vacation mode. The hotel pool was spectacular and the boys were absolutely in love with it. Plus, Adam really enjoyed seeing the wild iguanas that were walking around nearby. They’ve been in swim classes for several months, but it didn’t quite cure them of the fear of pools, and some days we still struggled to get them both into the pool and focused on their lessons instead of playing. I think going to Florida and spending DAYS in the pools helped a lot. They’re a lot more comfortable with the water and have a better idea of why they need to learn how to properly swim. It was a ton of fun to play with them in the pools too, since I also love pools! And with appropriate use of long-sleeve bathing suits all around and reapplication of sunscreen, none of us got burned. Phew. And I had a dorky looking phone carrier for the pool, which helped me stay in touch with everyone as plans came together, and take photos in the pool, woo!
The beach was also a short walk from the hotel, so we spent a couple hours there one day. Adam and I spent a bunch of time hilariously crashing in the waves in the water. Aaron preferred to stay on land this time and enjoyed playing in the sand.
Eating while traveling is definitely tricky, since the kids don’t have a huge selection of things they’ll eat, and it’s all easier to accommodate at home, or at least supplement with some vegetables. We walked to a Super Wal-Mart at the beginning of our trip to stock up on fruits and healthy snacks, but honestly the boys just ate a lot of kids menu food. There was one restaurant that we went to twice during our four days in south Florida though, and that was Family Fresh Cafe. Why twice? Excellent, diverse menu making the meals very different (even for the boys) and a playroom in the back:
“Family Fresh® is the only restaurant which offers a kids playroom with with video surveillance broadcasted to the dining area so the parents can enjoy dining out and having kids entertained.”
GENIUS! The boys had a ton of fun, and asked to go back, so we were happy to oblige on our last night there. It clearly also works for the restaurant, it meant we went twice and ordered more food and drinks than we would have if we were rushing to get antsy kiddos out of the restaurant quickly.
That night we also dropped Gaby off at the Brightline train station so she could head up to Orlando to meet a friend for a vacation over the Thanksgiving holiday. We returned to our hotel and got ready for our own journey up to Melbourne the next day. The second half of our vacation was coming up quickly!