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The adventures of 2024

2024 was a strange year, and it took me a while to write this post because I wasn’t sure how to approach it. As with all years, there were high points, like getting back to traveling to conferences, our first real family vacations, visits with my family, spending all summer in Philadelphia, and watching both kids mature in leaps and bounds. But there were some big challenges too. MJ lost his aunt in the spring, we contracted COVID over the summer and had to cancel a major vacation, and then MJ had an accident in July that caused major damage to his right shoulder that required months of physical therapy. During the late summer I went through a major depressive episode, and concluded the year with emergency surgery for appendicitis. It was a lot.

I’d say connecting with family was a big theme of the year though. Spending all summer in Philadelphia meant we could get comfortable with casual family visits and we deepened our closeness with our family there.

My sister and nephew spent just over a week with us in California and we had a ton of fun with them. We went swimming! We saw trains! We had adventures in San Francisco! And best of all, the cousins had some great bonding time.

In November we rescheduled our canceled July trip to Florida. We saw most of the folks who we had originally planned to see, and our itinerary ended up being better. Plus, we got to have some solid family time with just the four of us playing in the pool and beach, which was really nice.

Professionally, getting back to conferences was very important to me. I really enjoy the work I’m doing, and sharing that with the broader open source community. The following is a rundown of what I got up to conference-wise.

In 2025 I want to get more control over intentional progress in all parts of my life, rather than feeling swept up by it like I’ve often felt these past few years when the boys were really young. They’re growing into independent little kiddos, and I’m so proud of them!