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Dry would be nice

I sure was tired when I wrote that last entry, it makes sense but I repeated myself some and fell into laziness and rambling.

I woke up this morning and the clock said 6:47. I groaned and got out of bed, feeling sore and like I hadn’t slept at all. I gave in and had a cup of coffee (I drink less caffeinated tea usually) late this morning after not being able to focus on my work due to sleepiness. Plus it’s raining today, I usually like rain but after being damp for 3 days it wasn’t terribly appealing. I’m now chilling out at work now during my lunch break, not going outside even though the rain has stopped for the moment. I am pretty sure I’m actually dry now, but I still feel damp. The forecast shows rain for the entire week.

Whine, whine, whine. It’s all worth it for the fun I had this weekend.

I realized the other night that we have no plans for the 4th of July weekend. The floating holiday at work is Monday, and we have off on Tuesday for the actual 4th, so I have a whole 4 day weekend with no plans! I hit the Beer Yard website to see what events were around, but none that I’d be interested in/are close enough exist. Does anyone local want to swing by for some BBQ sometime this weekend? Or know of anything fun going on that we’d be interested in?