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I was hoping today was Friday, but it’s not %(

Things are still a bit soggy here. Yesterday on my way to work I had to turn around on one road because the creek had taken over the street for as far as I could see. Michael faired worse, as he was stuck in traffic for over 3 hours before he could give up and turn back home (he can work from home if he needs to). Luckily we don’t live in a flood plain and besides the hassle of having so many roads and bridges in the area closed we aren’t worried about the excessive rainfall.

I did see some sun yesterday. I took a walk to the library during lunch, first time I could do that in over a week. It smelled very… summery outside. The temperature was hovering around 82F, the grass was wet and I was brought back to summer when I was younger and could get my bathing suit on and play in the yard, then hop in the neighbor’s pool. Good times. I was brought back to reality by the honking horns of Lansdale traffic, and remembered that I was just on my lunch break and I had a stack of work on my desk rivaling the Empire State Building.

It has been a busy week. I’m not stressed out about it, all the vital stuff has been processed and now I’m just wading through “other stuff that probably should get in before month end” pile. By the end of each day this week I’ve been pretty tired. I’ve never been fully convinced until recently that a lot of accounting paperwork can make you physically tired.