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FiOS, birthdays, fires, etc

Yesterday morning we had a Verizon tech come out and check our line. There wasn’t anything drastically wrong with it, but I guess he just did some poking and tightening and now our connection is being much more well-behaved. Lets hope it stays this way.

…but we may not need that line to be stable afterall. The Verizon website now tells us we can get FiOS. Michael is calling tomorrow to ge the details on getting a business line to our house with a static IP (and confirming that port 80 is open on such static IP business accounts as this site says). They may be the evil empire, but we already have our land line and cellphones through Verizon. Come to think of it, if we get FiOS we won’t need the land line anymore, so a business FiOS line to our house will only actually cost us $40 more per month and it’ll be a hell of lot faster than what we have now %o

The time window for the tech showing up was any time between 8AM and 7PM (absurd huh?) so we didn’t make any plans for the day. The tech showed up in the late morning so our afternoon opened up. Michael ended up going into work for a little bit and I just decided to chill out at home. I spent a bunch of time fixing 13thHour.net, the profiles had been a bit broken since the upgrade to WP2 and once I got them back to pristine condition I decided not to mess with them further and haven’t re-added the fields for adding your own photo or birthday, I’ll add them to the MySQL table manually when people need me to.

In the evening we thought about heading out to Valley Forge for the Delaware Valley Amateur Astronomers Public Star Party but the sky had clouded up. We decided to hang in.

First we watched the final two episodes of the latest season of Doctor Who. Daleks vs Cybermen!!! AHKLDSFS!!! And the ending was sad, I was a bit tearful. I’m so in love with these new Doctor Who episodes, it’s really some of the best scifi television I’ve ever seen.

After watching Dr Who we went outside to enjoy the evening by a fire in our back yard, and had a nice discussion about our favorite scifi stuff.

And toasted marshmallows.


It was a good night.

Today I decided to switch from using firefox to using Opera on my laptop. My laptop is 500mhz, which is perfectly fine for most things, but firefox loves to eat up the entire CPU when it does things like, say, load a page. This is pretty annoying. I remember when firefox first came out, as that fantastic lightweight answer to mozilla, but now it’s gotten pretty big. SO I installed Opera, and although it eats up my entire CPU sometimes (like when loading a lot of images or flash page) it does it much less often than firefox did, normal browsing only takes up about half of my resources.

Michael’s birthday was this week. We went out to Greater India for his birthday meal. It was a great dinner, and I asked the owner if she knew of any places to purchase indian dresses in the area – of course she said Iselin was the best place but then gave me a card for a woman in Harleysville who sells dresses, I emailed her this weekend and with any luck I’ll be able to meet up with her and find a dress I like without driving all the way out to NJ.

And a lot of other #13thHour birthdays were this week too.

Ash – July 5th
Michael – July 6th (this is also the birthday of my mother’s boyfriend)
(colin_) and Etudes – July 7th
Barenjager – July 8th

Unfortunately with our internet connection being so goofy lately R2D2 wasn’t running to give ops to the BirthdayBot that comes in to change the topic. Ack! Slacking off on the busiest week of the year! The next channel birthday is , it should be all working better by then.

And now it’s just after noon and it’s a very pretty day out.