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Still hating summer

I hate summer. I seem to forget every year how miserable and exhausted prolonged humid, hot weather makes me (although, I’m pretty sure people close to me don’t forget how cranky I get!). This is even true when I can hop from air conditioned place to air conditioned place, being stuck inside sucks. I hate avoiding the outdoors and I miss hugging trees when the air feels like hot soup. We are going to have to move north or to the mountains someday. I’m such a Mainer.

This weekend the forecast is showing highs in the upper 90s that will last at least through Monday – UGH!

Heat aside, we do have some plans for this weekend.

Saturday: Hide from heat in air conditioned rooms. We’ll probably go to the gym too. I was planning on going to the gym this morning but wasn’t feeling so great when I woke up :\

Sunday: Skippack Strut – “Progressive dinner involving some of the great restaurants in Skippack Village” – I am kicking myself now for not grabbing a copy of the menu when we got our tickets, it’s not online anywhere! It’s 5 or 6 courses at 5 or 6 different restaurants in the Skippack Village, food and a glass of wine at each place. Hopefully I’ll be too full of fantastic wine and food to mind the 97 degree weather we have to endure while walking to each restaurant.

Monday: I took this day off from work, I have a lot of errands to run, including getting to the courthouse in Norristown to get our marriage license application notarized (the courthouse is only open during normal business hours, of course). In the evening we’re having the MontcoLUG meeting at Sly Fox Brewery (So local people come along! There will be BEER!).