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Invasion of the Insprions

It’s been a rainy weekend.

Friday evening I went out to get my hair cut. I also uncharacteristically stopped at a couple department stores for some idle shopping. I ended up buying a bigger purse (which I needed) but also browsing some other departments. It was nice to just be away from work and home alone for a while.

Yesterday was spent playing with computers. Michael is redoing the MythTV box, the Gentoo Unstable install on it has been somewhat unstable for the past few months, and he wanted to move it over to stable, compile it with DVD support and install another harddrive.

I spent the better part of the day working on my laptops and generally goofing around with other little things. Michael brought home some old laptop harddrives that I tried out to see if they still worked – alas they were trash. I spent some time fighting with my wireless card in Ubuntu Dapper, and finally gave up – but I was helped by the fact that a bug report exists for my problem (thanks to Romana for finding the link to that report for me). Hopefully it’ll be remedied before support for Breezy ends, but for now I’m still using Breezy on these laptops so the wireless will work.

So I grabbed the Breezy CD and installed the server version on both laptops. Once that was completed, I apt-get installed the following packages (plus all their dependencies, which were many):


And the laptops were ready to go! Wireless runs great on both of them.


I made their desktops very basic looking:


I grabbed the background images from this site, which has reasonably high res photos of droids without other stuff in the image.

[1] When I first checked out standard Ubuntu I discovered the network-admin tool, included in the gnome-system-tools package, which is a happy-clicky-gui tool that I use to find and connect to wireless networks. If anyone has a better recommendation for what I should use for this purpose, PLEASE let me know, I haven’t really looked around.