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My allergies have calmed down some, but this morning I woke up with a splitting headache. Some Advil solved my problem within an hour, but by then it was too late to make it to the gym, bleh.

The past weekend was spent organizing more wedding things, I got about half the invitations out (waiting to get addresses from the other people). There is still some ceremony stuff to work out, we really should sit down sometime this week and get that formalized.

Michael and I also got the opportunity to review a chapter for an upcoming Linux book, it was nice working together. Between my knack for details and writing things in a very user-friendly manner and his wealth of knowledge in theoretical and real world applications of software I think my dream of writing a book some day is being transformed into writing a book with Michael some day.

Monday night I went out with Nita to meet with a woman in Harleysville who sells Indian dresses out of her home. She had some really nice things, but the colors and price ranges were just not what we were looking for. It was a disappointment, but Nita found an online shop that does custom orders and we picked out a nice one from there that she’s going to order this week. After looking at the dresses we headed into Harleysville, which is a black hole for decent food, and ended up having a couple subs at Quiznos (which is only slightly better than Subway, I don’t really like those big sub chains).

Last night Michael and I went out to grab some food and then came home to watch Scary Movie, which we rented this weekend since neither of us had seen it. It wasn’t worth all the trouble we went through to get the DVD running, I am just not a big fan of stupid spoof humor I guess.

Oh and I hate DVDs. We have 3 players capable of playing DVDs in our house, the Playstation 2, the MythTV DVD-ROM and Michael’s laptop DVD-ROM. The Playstation 2 is a lousy DVD player, it’ll play most movies at least half the way through before it starts skipping and gives a horrible “unable to read disk” error – it got about 10 minutes into Scary Movie. The DVD-ROM on the MythTV box is crankie and I’ve almost given up on it, Michael has it working with a few movies, but if anything on the DVD is abnormal ogle and mplayer just won’t play it. Finally Michael has his laptop, which actually did play the movie, but playing it from the laptop to the TV screen is not an optimal situation since we need to unplug a bunch of stuff from the Myth box to plug it in to the laptop, and Michael can’t use his laptop at all while the movie is on. So the solution? We ripped it and dropped onto the MythTV – worked great! All that lovely encoding and protection they put on the DVD forced me to make a copy I never would have if it would just play. Is it legal to make a copy of a movie you rent if you delete the copy when you return the movie? Probably not.

Now the real solution to this DVD trouble is probably just dropping $100 on a decent DVD player whose only job is to play DVDs, it just makes me crazy that we already have 3 players that should be capable of doing this.

My 25th birthday is on Friday, I’ll finally be able to rent SUVs and luxury cars – woo! And age 25 is one of those landmarks where your car insurance goes down, that will be nice. A quarter century on this planet here I come!

Fiscal year end at work falls on my birthday, which is not funny at all. We’re working overtime all week and we’ll all be working late that night, which is not exactly how I wanted to spend my birthday. Still, my boss is always good about organizing little things for our birthdays, so there will probably be food and some decorations around on Friday.

Michael and I are actually celebrating my birthday on Saturday by going to the Lehigh Valley Brewfest in Exton with Bob. I’m so excited! But this will be our only brewfest of this season, with the wedding coming up we just have too much other stuff going on to devote a day to some delicious Octoberfest goodness, sigh %)