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Yesterday was nice. I spent the morning finally catching up with emails and reading journals. Later in the day I spent time picking fruit to pay off my mortgage… in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

AC:WW is one of my new favorite games, there are so many things about it that I love. All the cuteness aside, it’s quite clever. For instance, I’m sure having it interface with the date and time set up in the DS when I first set it up is trivial, but the fact that it makes the world daytime and nighttime in game during the correct daytime and nighttime is great. They don’t sell certain things on Sundays, the variety shop in town is closed between 11PM and 8AM. This all adds so much to the game, and really forces you to go out and try new things if you want to keep playing. Last night I caught lots of fish and donated them to the museum.

I want to play right now, but I didn’t bring that game to work with me ;)

I did bring the DS and Tetris though, but that’s just because I brought it to the gym this morning to play while on the stationary bike. mentioned the sweat might be an issue – but I guess I don’t sweat a lot in my hands when I work out – in fact, I think my hands sweat more from the activity on the screen than from working out. The DS must have some sweat tolerance built into it, everyone’s palms sweat when they’re playing an intense game.

Yesterday afternoon I went out to the Montgomeryville Toys R Us to spend the gift card I got from my boss. I ended up with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, which I’ve wanted since I heard it came out, I’m so glad the DS is backwards compatible with the GBA.

I also went grocery shopping yesterday, which I hadn’t done in a while; Michael has been doing almost all the grocery shopping for the past few months.

And now I’m back to work, ah Monday.