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Politics and Guns Rant

Some days I hate the news.

Yesterday while driving to work NPR was blabbering all about Mark Foley’s sexual emails to some teenage boys. That’s gross, he resigned, they seem to have proof enough to move on with a case against him as some sort of creepy pedophile. OK, I’m done with this story, next?

But they wouldn’t move on. I heard more about it this morning, now it’s all about a GOP cover-up, the Republican Culture of Corruption, Who Knew What When.

Shut up! I don’t care!

If this was some sort of issue that influence me in the slightest (like some sort of government corruption) I’d pay attention, but I’m so sick of the media pouncing on stuff like this and harping on it for days. This man is not my representative, I don’t know his victims, and he’s already left the political arena. I expect that there were people around him who ignored the problem, blahblahblah, but I really don’t care enough to get wrapped up in all that, I’m pretty sure it’s not a crime to ignore such things, it just makes you a bad person.

There are real issues out that that deserve attention.

Is there a good non-partisan website out there that details the real issues and views of politicians? I don’t care who they slept with as long as it’s legal and doesn’t conflict with them doing their job. I’m very close to not listening to NPR until this election season is over because I’m so tired of spin, nonsense and scandals that I could be sick. But I want to stay at least moderately informed.

And the bigger story of the day – the Amish school shooting in Lancaster county (about an hour from where I live).

This is a story that deserves attention, it was a terrible thing.

But what news pops up right along side it? Gun control in PA. With the disgusting rise of the murder rate in Philadelphia in these past couple years it’s turned into a big thing here, and many Democrats love to blame violence on insufficient gun laws.

Is there a place where you can get statistics about how many of the guns were in legal possession of their owner (they had the appropriate permits to have the weapon where they had it and obtained the gun in a legal manner) when the crime was committed? I always assumed that with all the gun laws we already have in place that these criminals who kill people with guns wouldn’t have them legally anyway, but I don’t know this for a fact.

Oh and that guy who shot up the school was a married father of three without a violent (or any?) criminal record. Assuming he didn’t have a history of severe mental illness (do we check for that when buying a gun in PA?) he’s the kind of guy who will always be entitled to a gun in this country if we don’t completely toss the Bill of Rights out the window. Gun control shouldn’t even have come up in this situation, it’s not the issue.

And you know what else they made sure they said? “People on both sides of the gun issue have expressed their regret and concern (or whatever) at the shooting” – OF COURSE THEY DID. Only crazy people would not be horrified by this.

OK I’m done.