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More DS & Gym, a Beer Emergency and Google Juice

This morning I took my DS to the gym and played Tetris while on the elliptical. I worried that it’d be too much motion, I haven’t had too much luck with reading on the elliptical, but playing the DS on the elliptical was actually not bad. It does require extra balance, but practicing balance is something I probably should be doing anyway. I won’t say that it made and intense 20 minutes on the elliptical easy but it did help pass the time and made it slightly easier to get through.

While on the subject of the gym, I have a new main goal: muscle tone and staying in shape. I seem reached a plateau in where the gym stuff is taking me weight wise. Everyone says I am looking good, but I didn’t get to my super ambitious weight loss goal and I think I just have to let it go. I’d have to a significant change in diet will have to come about to make any more changes and I’m really not into that right now. I feel healthy, I look good[1] and I just need to get it through my head that I just don’t have the body type that lends itself to being super skinny. Besides, my biggest calorie vice right now is beer (and all the food that goes with it), and being a beer connoisseur is a hobby!

And the beer emergency? I was listening to Marketplace this morning and they mentioned a fire at a warehouse in Yakima that ruined 4% of the nation’s hop supply.


There are several articles around, I just read this one

“The fire, which began midday Monday in a 40,000- square-foot warehouse in Yakima owned by U.S. Steiner Inc., ruined about 4 percent of the nation’s supply of hops, a crop used as flavoring in the brewing of beer and ales”

Poor burninated hops :(

I Google my name yesterday (as everyone should do often!) and BOY that KDE article sure made the rounds, it was even dugg. Good thing I’m changing my name this month and all that will be behind me ;D

Oh and my blog is on the first page of Google hits for “Singer 7444 120 Stitch Function Sewing Machine” – I figured this out after 3 emails in the past month from women who are just getting into sewing and wondering if I’d recommend the machine. I do recommend it and Singer should send me a check for writing about and recommending it.

I’m feeling better this week. Things at work have calmed down significantly, my allergies aren’t nearly as bad, the new season of programming on PBS has started (Nova! Frontline! History Detectives! Secrets of the Dead! Bill Moyers new show!), everyone in the wedding party has finally ordered their clothes (yay we’ll all be clothed at my wedding!) and I’m back in my normal work/gym/home life routine. Now I need to set aside a chunk of time with Michael to finalize the details of our wedding ceremony. Oh and my online projects have been sorely neglected of late, but I’m not going to bother with them right now, I’ll get back to being involved after the wedding.

Michael made chili last night, I’m eating leftovers for lunch today. It’s so good.

[1] This photo is from this past weekend at the brewfest – I look so goofy in this picture! I swear I wasn’t drunk! But I was sitting on a wall that had a 20 foot drop behind me, a wall which bordered the brewfest on the east side which Michael and I decided that this probably wasn’t the best place for a hundred beer drinking fest goers to be sitting.