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Misc stuff

I haven’t written much lately, I’ve been a bit out of sorts, but it’s nothing a little time off of work won’t cure! My company gave us off Monday and Tuesday of next week, and I’m taking off Thursday and Friday, Monday we have off and I’m taking off Tuesday. Only one day of work interrupting what will be a nice chunk of time off.

Truth be told, I haven’t been up to much of anything interesting. I downloaded the second season of The Office (American version) and watched that with Michael throughout the week last week. It has its moments, and Steve Carell is a riot.

This past weekend I puttered around the house and on Sunday Michael and I had a late lunch at Max & Ermas before catching a 3:35 showing of The Departed. The Departed was enjoyable, even if it didn’t stand out as being anything spectacular or memorable. The only reason we decided to see it was because it is the highest rated movie playing at the local theater, which certainly says a lot about the movies this holiday season. Oh and there is no way we’re going to see Happy Feet on a Sunday afternoon.

…and what happened to matinees? Do they still exist? We paid $9.75/ticket for a 3:35 showing!

We’ve been keeping up with watching Torchwood, which is still mostly cheesy and delightful, but the last two episodes (9&10) certainly had their moments when we’d look at each other and say “Why are we watching this?” – I want more aliens! Less boring humany emotional stuff!

And I’ve been reading some. I hate to say it, but I’ve been reading the same book for almost a year (with only a few quick reads throughout the month to keep myself occupied). The book? The Great Book of Amber. I’m about 800 pages into this 1264 monstrosity, and I’m determined to finish it because I know it will just sit on my shelf and taunt me until I do. It’s not like 1264 pages is too big of a book, I read 10 of the Wheel of Time books in about a year and they’re from 700-1200 each, it’s just not a book that has sucked me in and held my attention. I think the story is just too complex conspiracy-wise and there isn’t enough action. It’s all a matter of taste though, apparently there are zillions of fans of Amber.

Finally, I got a new cellphone. Our 2 year contract had come up and Verizon was really pushing the Razr phones, so we each got one very cheap. I got the pink one (squee!), and after about 2 weeks of waiting it finally arrived. Unfortunately Verizon locks down pretty much all the features that this phone has so they can make money – you can’t access the storage space on the phone without some hacking (I’m not even sure that is possible anymore with the current software version). This means you can’t get the pictures off without paying Verizon $.25 each to email them to you, and you can’t put your own ringtones on it, you have to buy them from Verizon. The picture thing I’m opposed to simply out of principle, honestly 25 cents is quite a reasonable sum, but because that is my only option when I know the phone is capable of transfer via USB makes me crazy. The ringtone thing wouldn’t bother me either, but the ringtones they put on the phone by default are horrible! About a dozen “ding” rings (which I probably wouldn’t hear) and then a half dozen really annoying songs. I ended up picking one of the less annoying songs so I could actually hear it.