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Cat and Mouse


Don’t worry, no one was hurt, Caligula is a merciful housecat with no claws.

Our house was built in 1945 as what we believe was a hunting shack with a single fireplace to heat it. Over the years bits were added to it, it was expanded out the front and back for a kitchen and bathroom and laundry room. The upstairs was finished, an addition was put off to the side for a couple more bedrooms.

The basement is an unfinished area were small animals from outdoors routinely sneak in, but we’d never had a wild animal get into the main portion of the house.

Until this morning.

Caligula was acting weird when we got up this morning, very jumpy and strangely obsessed with the underside of the living room radiator. Upon inspection Michael discovered the root of this fascination.


And the mouse promptly fled into the laundry room – perfect for catching it!

So Michael and Caligula spent the next 20 minutes locked in the room with the mouse (I stayed outside with the camera – have fun boys!).

Searching for the mouse

Searching more

It’s under the drier!

It ran behind the litter box!

I’ll get you!

Caligula was able to get his paws on the mouse at this point and chased it around a bit, Michael sat ready with a bucket to catch it in, but alas…

The mouse made an escape.

It found a hole in our wall at the juction of a doorway, we’d never even noticed the hole. From the draft coming up through the hole we’re pretty sure it leads down into the basement, which makes us believe that’s how the mouse got into our house as well. That will need to be patched.

Mouse hunting is hard work.