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Women in FOSS, WnG podcast, sore neck and TV

I’ve been busy and not reallly in the mood for writing.

First, to follow up with the previous post about the Ubuntu-Women meeting. We had the meeting and I’d say it was a fantastic success. spearheaded organizing these meetings and really took the reins when it came to directing the meetings. She’s a wonderful asset to the project and I’m glad to be working with someone who is so determined to learn and share what she’s been learning within the Ubuntu community. I went through the logs for the day and took notes – notes available here along with logs for the whole day.

I’m also working to get the PhillyChix going again. I attempted to mail the list last week and discovered that it was down. I tried to mail Sam (who runs the list) and found her mail is down, I then emailed her husband and got a bounce from his address too – ack! So I figured I’d finally purchase phillychix.org (it’s just pointed at our apache server now) and within the next couple weeks I’ll be working with Michael to set up a mailing list and getting the website moved over from princessleia.com/phillychix/ to it’s real new home.

Speaking of women and local linux stuff, last night we had a MontcoLUG meeting (unfortunately the MontcoLUG site is down because the guy who owns the domain let it expire and hasn’t gotten around to setting up the DNS again). There were only five of us there, but I should have expected a low turnout so shortly after the holidays. Plus, Michael couldn’t come along because he wasn’t feeling well, instead I brought along a woman I work with who has expressed interest in Linux in the past. I did a presentation on Women in F/OSS, slides here. The talk went well, even if I couldn’t get my hands on a projector for the meeting and had to print out copies of my talk (which meant people were looking at me instead of the projected notes – eep! At least there were only four of them…). There was a nice discussion about the general entry level of getting into FOSS and how the Women stuff can pretty much help everyone. Oh and our host, Lee, made some fantastic chili, yum.

Lyz, Kris, Karen, John, Lee
Lyz, Kris, Karen, John, Lee

Another thing I did this weekend was record some sections for the 62WestWallabyStreet.co.uk’s Wallace and Gromit’s Cracking Podcast (you can find it on iTunes or do what I do and just grab the XML feed, I read the news in the latest one, episode 7 “Brilliant Bumper Bonanza” (toward the beginning of the podcast) and also did the “American Cheese Corner” (at about 41 minutes into the podcast).

Sunday was not such a fun day. I must have slept weird Saturday night because when I woke up Sunday I had probably the worst stiff neck I’ve ever had. While Michael cleaned the whole house all I managed to do was fold some laundry and do some dishes. I am such a wimp for camping out on the couch with a heated blanket and a book all day just because of a sore neck, but it REALLY hurt! Later in the evening Michael gave me a couple upper back and neck massages that helped a lot, but I was still pretty miserable when I went to bed Sunday night. Unfortunately all this lousy pain made it fairly impossible for me to get the work done that I had intended to do, sigh. It’s still not completely better, and driving to work yesterday was a pain in the neck (amazing how often you turn your head while driving – ouch!).

Michael and I finished watching all four seasons of Penn & Teller’s Bullshit! and now can’t wait until the next season starts, it’s such wonderful libertarian and skeptic pr0n ;D I also watched the last three episodes of Tochwood. I enjoyed them for the most part, and was delighted by That Sound at the end of the finale! Squee!