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Another entry about Simcoe and Caligula

OK, you’re probably getting sick of these entries now ;) But I just have one more before getting back to regularly scheduled blogging.

Caligula and Simcoe are starting to get along, last night they even sat near each other on the couch and fell asleep while we had some friends over.

Yesterday Michael updated the DNS so that Simcoe now has her own subdomain. I spent a couple hours this morning updating it – so we now present:


Finally, Simcoe also has a catster page.

EDIT: Oh, if you add Caligula or Simcoe as a friend on Catster, please let me know who you are in the little friend request note – I don’t like to add complete strangers and apparently you get a lot of friend requests there now when you add a new cat. If I declined your request and you do know me it is just because I didn’t realize who you were :)