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Pizza and Fondue

Last night Michael made pizzas.

As I’ve said before, it’s tough to get good pizza here in PA. There are a few decent places to go, but none of them are close to my house. I’ve tolerated the local pizza but complained often.

I was all supportive when Michael began to test his own dough recipes for pizza. He’s now to the point where he’s got a nice recipe for the dough and with the pizza stone we got around Christmas he’s been successfully making pizzas that I’ve really been enjoying. These pizzas? I had pepperoni, mushrooms, and hot red peppers. Mmmm pizza.

In other food related news, we had a few friends over Saturday night for a fondue party!

See, the best man in our wedding got us a fondue set for a gift. His reasoning was quite thoughtful, when going out to eat we’ve regularly ordered crab dip, which is technically a type of fondue. But gosh, actually making fondue is quite a chore, and one we didn’t want to do without guests to enjoy it with!

So Michael picked up three bottles of red wine, chopped up some farm cheese, chimay cheese and a swiss to munch on with some fresh bread and we got ready for our fondue party. He wrote about it here, including specifics about what cheeses were used and what wines he purchased.

was the first one to show up. He’s been quite busy lately and we really haven’t been able to see him as much as we’d like. It was really great to have him drop by for a couple hours so we could catch up.

Bob arrived shortly after MJ, bringing along a loaf of dark rye and two more bottles of red wine (woohoo!).

We mostly just chilled out and talked for the next couple hours while Michael tended the melting cheese. There are some things we’ll do differently next time with the whole fondue thing – apparently fondue isn’t just melted cheese, there are other components that make it less likely to separate and resolidify too quickly (the bottom the pan we melted it in was caked with cheese that took Michael a good 20 minutes to remove). Even so, I sure had a fun time with it, and the melty cheese was delicious!

Later in the evening MJ had to head out and our friends David and Constance came over. David and Constance missed out on the fondue, but Michael made up a batch of french fries (and some cheese fries!) that we could all enjoy. We then spent the rest of the evening, until after midnight, just chilling out and watching Penn & Teller’s Bullshit.