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Fake Curtains, UW, and other Stuff

Last week was a long week. I’m enjoying my new job but the commute is killer. Friday I worked from home, that was really nice :)

While working from home I discovered that it would be pretty impossible to deal with the sun trying to come in through the blinds, so Michael helped me put a blanket over it until I make curtains.

It looks classy.

Actually it’s horrible, but it’ll get me to make those curtains more quickly. This weekend has proven too busy (family obligations yesterday, needed to move the entertainment center upstairs and other various things today) but perhaps next weekend we’ll get out to grab the curtain rods and fabric I need. By then I should have my sewing area set up too. Wednesday we get our new couches delivered – yay!

The “omfg from Kenny and Kati” in that goofy picture was a card we got in the mail from AmazingClubs.com informing us that Kati and Kenny had bought us a three month membership to that site’s beer of the month club. How cool is that?! And all because they rock and were upset that we picked up the tab when we ate dinner out last week. What revenge. The first beer delivery will be at the end of this month and I’m really looking forward to it. Depending on how it is we might continue the membership ourselves beyond the three months.

Being busy all weekend aside, it was a reasonably nice weekend. Yesterday evening we spent a couple hours with my mother-in-law’s side of the family for a birthday party for one of Michael’s uncles (a great guy who has a company that installs water softeners, and really gave us a deal on installing ours). I don’t know these nearly as well as the Bevilacquas, but most of the people there seemed to no know who many other people were either, that made us feel a bit better. The rest of the evening was spent relaxing at home and watching Arrested Development.

Today I kept busy. I woke up around 7 as I need to keep a semi-normal sleep schedule. This morning I met up with a bunch of women in #Ubuntu-Women for a meeting (I put together notes here). As usual the fantastic directed the conversation to important things that we were working toward. I also spent time getting caught up on a lot of things I’ve let slide in the past few weeks I spent in job transition. Got a lot of email sent, updated WallaceAndGromit.net for the first time in over a month. I did some cleaning too, got the media center all unhooked (about 3243 wires and things) and all ready to be moved upstairs, vacuumed and did some other light cleaning.

Around noon Nita poked me in IRC and asked if I wanted to go out to lunch. I hadn’t seen her in too long and figured I could use a break away from the computer so she came over and met Simcoe and we went out to lunch at a local pizzeria. It was a new place in Harleysville, advertised as “Brick Oven Pizza” but I have a feeling that term is becoming less meaningful, the pizza was pretty mediocre. Food aside, I mostly just wanted to hang out with Nita, and we were able to spend a while catching up and talking about what we’ve been up to. It was great!

Now here I am, after 7PM on a Sunday evening chilling out with… a glass of water. I’m actually pretty tired and I’ll probably be getting to bed by 9PM.

And now I leave you with a picture of Simcoe:

(the caption is a lie, she was no help)