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Productive Weekend

My weekend was amazingly productive.

Yesterday I got a bit of cleaning done, but spent most of my day at the computer. Doing various updates to websites I maintain, catching up with emails that I had neglected (my inbox is almost empty!). I got caught up with blogs and news sites. I worked with to get svn access to PhillyLinux.org enabled and now I have the power to make changes to the website, woo! Once this was done I was able to upload the page about the new Montgomery County Chapter of PLUG, make a few other edits around the site and happily announce that MontcoLUG had merged with PLUG (too bad I didn’t use ispell before I sent the email! No one will notice…). I also finalized the meeting place for the May MontcoPLUG meeting, even if I’m still searching for a speaker (I really don’t want to do the talk again). Yesterday I also got some Ubuntu-Women work done, including getting the two new website admins set up on the Ubuntu-Women.org, which I’m grateful for – both of them have wiki administration experience that I lack and I really needed to delegate some responsibility, I have enough learning on my plate at the moment :)

Speaking of learning, it’s amazing how much I’ve learned at work since I started. And I’m so excited to be translating this new found knowledge into new projects. It’s really amazing what you’ll learn in a month of “getting hands dirty 40 hours/week job” that years of tinkering never made clear. Have I mentioned lately how awesome it is to be working exclusively with Linux? What was I thinking when I believed I could be satisifed with an accounting job?

Today I was equally as productive for most of the morning. I finished the last curtain for my office during the Ubuntu-Women meeting this morning, it’s so nice having a sewing machine table that I can plop down next to my computer so I can knock off some lines in IRC between stitches. I have quite a todo list for the UW group right now, but I’m resting peacefully knowing that most of it is organizational stuff that when completed will make other things run more smoothly. I have no illusions about my ability to put so much work into a project like this, I know I can’t keep up this pace forever. In the future I see big organizational projects coming one at a time, much easier to handle.

Today I also had a conversation with an acquaintance (who found me through my blog, how many people read this silly thing?) about a perl project and php project that is under way and they need help with. This comes with all sorts of strings attached and a serious committment to the project and the community in the long term, but it’s what I love, and I’m going to grab at every chance these next few months at least to brush up on perl and php.

Then perhaps because my brain was tired of learning and working and I came down with a pretty serious sinus headache this afternoon. It sucked. Most of it is gone away, but if I move too quickly I realize it’s still hanging about. I am not the biggest fan of this time between winter and spring.

Finally, I hate DST, I’ve been all messed up today and I can’t believe it’s 7PM already. I’m going to need to set my alarm clock in the morning so I don’t roll out of bed too late.