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Linux, more beer and “stuff”

The weather is very messy today. This is the first ice storm I’ve experienced since I’ve moved to PA, and it’s sure hitting hard. There must be 4 inches of frozen ice pellets on the ground by now. At least it looks like snow once it lands, so if I ignore the ice pellet sounds hitting the window I can pretend that it’s a normal winter storm. I sure hope we don’t lose power.

Michael and I went to the PLUG West Linuxbiernacht 2007 last night. The 2006 event of the same name certainly drew a bigger crowd, but I was happy with the turnout of 10 people at this one. Most of them I’d met previously, but there were a few people I was meeting for the first time. I’m happy to report that I’m not as shy at these things as I used to be, much of that coming from being able to say I run the Montco Chapter, PhillyChix, and actually work with linux now. They are all fine talking points, so I am not at so much of a loss for what to say. But Linux? Local geeks? You don’t want to hear about that, you want to know what beers I tried!

1. Lindemans Pomme – This is the apple lambic from Lindemans, and they had it on TAP! I’d never tried it before, and honestly it was far too sweet for my tastes but had a nice sharpness to it. I’m glad I tried it but probably won’t again.

2. Delirium Tremens – The old standard, this appears to be my panic beer, the waitress was there, I was too overwhelmed by the selection of great beers, and just spit out “get me a Delirium Tremens!” Unfortunately I think the one I got was old, or otherwise mishandled.. the taste was slightly metallic! Ick! I should have sent it back…

3. Cantillon Lou Pepe Framboise 2004 – Now THIS was a treat! It isn’t your normal sweet framboise lambic, it had a wonderful kick to it that I was really impressed with. I’ll be keeping my eyes out for their other lambics.

4. Spaten Maibock – Again with the German brews I’m getting into. This was a nice maibock, perhaps on the sweet side, but I enjoyed it.

What else… just a lot of little things lately. We live in a cute 3 bedroom house that has a bigger kitchen than the one I grew up with, but doesn’t have enough space for all the cooking things we got as wedding gifts. The solution? A pot rack to hang from the ceiling! So we headed down to Le Butler’s Pantry in Skippack and picked up a nice one made by J.K. Adams of Vermont. It worked out better than we anticipated – freed up a lot of space and it looks really nice!

I also drove in Philadelphia for the first time last week. I don’t have a ton of experience driving in cities. I used to drive in Syracuse, NY fairly regularly, but that’s not a big city really. I used to drive the expressway through Rochester, NY from time to time. Nothing like Philadelphia. Getting into the city was not hard, I left from work (this was a work trip) and it was pretty much a straight shot into the city. Unfortunately there were some roads closed due to a fire and I had to round a few blocks to find my way. Leaving wasn’t as easy, I went completely the wrong way and ended up much further from the expressway than I wanted to be. It took me about 20 minutes to sort out where I was and where I needed to be going. All told, now that I’ve done it I’m less scared of it, but I am not going to make a habit of it. It took me a good half hour calm down after that drive :)

I’ve been working with lately to plan a PhillyChix+DC Chix meetup. After a bit of delay (all my fault, I’m glad she kept on me about it!) we finally settled on a meeting location and date. We’ll be meeting in Baltimore at the National Aquarium on Sunday April 1st. It’s coming up fast! And means I really need to get the new PhillyChix mailing list set up this weekend.

OK, it’s late, time for bed.