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Sick, drupal and my weekend

I had a bad day. Around midnight last night I woke up with an upset stomach which lasted throughout the night so I slept horribly. I finally got out of bed around 7AM, sat at my desk until I realized that the pain in my stomach was too bad so I shot an email off to my boss saying I was sick and went back to bed. Around 2PM Michael made me some vegetable soup out of some vegatable stock and some fresh vegetables. It was good soup, but it was clear my stomach was still weird so I went back to bed. Around 7PM tonight Michael got me out of bed by starting a fire in the fireplace, at which time I grabbed a book (and now my laptop) and camped out here on the couch and ate some more soup. I still don’t feel well, but it’s not as bad as it was this morning, at least I can sit up now without my stomach protesting. Ugh, yuck. Even worse? Michael just went to Whole Foods yesterday and so the refrigerator is full of delicious fresh food that I can’t eat. I hope I’m feeling significantly better tomorrow, we have fresh fish that I really don’t want to miss out on!

The weekend was nice at least. On Saturday I spent some time playing with a Drupal installation for a project I’m working with. I’m not terribly impressed with Drupal’s security record, but it’s not running on my server and keeping it secure isn’t my part of the project! I am not a fan of CMSs in general, the base tends to be overly complex and writing themes for them is often quite difficult. But now that I’m working with a project that actually has a use for much of the CMS (not another project where they are just using a giant CMS for a blog!) I’m becoming more impressed with it. Theme creation is also less painful than in other CMSs I’ve tinkered with, very refreshing.

Saturday evening we headed over to Bob’s house to celebrate St Patrick’s day and see how he was recovering from a recent surgery. We brought over wine and Michael made some fantastic thai chicken soup and some fresh bread. We had a nice evening, started to watch Jesus Camp and I was happy to see that Bob’s reaction to it was much the same as ours. I’ve been meaning to blog about Jesus Camp, but each time I sat down to do it I couldn’t really form my thoughts properly. Thankfully, Michael found a blog entry by David Byrne that articulated my feelings about it quite clearly – except I might have made pretty clear that the whole documentary was very hard for me to watch, it was so very depressing how these kids are brainwashed. Then again, I’ve always had a problem with the whole doctrine of “Original Sin” thing in Christianity anyway.

Sunday was nice too. I got more work done with projects. Michael got the PhillyChix Mailing List set up for me, yay! So I was able to get a mail out about the upcoming meetup with the DC Chix. I also ran some errands, including getting out to the store to pick up a tack board and a dry erase board that I now have hanging in my office. For dinner Michael treated me to some homemade pizzas – including a reuben pizza! The idea came from a special of the same name they had at Iron Hill a couple months back. Michael’s version was awesome, I want another… when I’m feeling better :) As usual the rest of the pizzas he made were great too, I’m so happy that he’s willing to put in the work to make pizzas at home from scratch, the local pizza places around here really can’t compare.

And now just 3 1/2 hours after I climbed out of bed I’m going back.