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Last year I only read a half dozen books. That’s like a drought to me, when I think back on the year I want to say “I didn’t read anything last year!” and frown. Looking back I had a lot going on last year, between work (full time + contract), planning a wedding, and diving into projects like Ubuntu-Women it’s no surprise that I didn’t find much time for reading.

But I love reading and this year I’m working to make time for it. I’ve started reading most nights before I go to bed. I’ve found that an 30-60 minutes of of reading before I sleep works wonders on how well I sleep and how satisfied I feel in general. While I’m still behind what I was reading in years past, I’ve managed to get through about 6 books so far this year, already hitting last year’s number. Yay! As for what I’m reading – it’s a lot of scifi and fantasy, with some history mixed in for fun. I mentioned Saints by Orson Scott Card a little while back, I’m almost finished with it and it’s a fascinating “sort of historical” look at the early days of the Mormon church that has me engrossed.

I love books.