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Hardware, errands and upgrading Ubuntu

Last month I posted about how I had given up on my Belkin wireless card and wanted to replace it. answered my plea and within a week I had the linux happy Linksys WPC11. It Just Worked in Ubuntu when I plugged it in. So awesome. The range is better than that of the Belkin card too, and it runs solid. It’s so nice when things work, I’m posting so long after this success because 1) I forgot to earlier and 2) I thought it was worth mentioning even if it is so late. Thanks again Colin!

In other hardware news I got my new graphics card this week and am back to my 1600×1200 resolution and maximum productivity!

I posted to the PLUG list last night, for the first time in a while. Plans for the website and input needed from members. I’ll be spending some time this weekend working on it.

The PA LoCo team site is live! MeetLinux.com is the url, provided by a company in the area along with hosting space. The original plan for the site was to use Joomla but then I joined the web project and tossed that idea out the window. I don’t like giant CMSes and since all we really needed was a “news” function and member logins so others could submit content I decided to go with WordPress. I grabbed a template and had the site in it’s current state within just a couple days of tweaking. I’m quite happy with it. The next step with the team is getting the mailing list set up, that’s something the Ubuntu side handles though since we’ll be getting a ubuntu-us-pa list. It’s pretty exciting that I joined the team just as things started getting rolling. Today they had an installfest meeting down in Philly to work out details of an upcoming installfest – I didn’t attend the meeting but I left some dates I’m free with the team so they would think of me when planning the date, I would really like to attend the installfest.

And now that I am involved with this LoCo I officially have to draw a line here with my volunteer work. I am busy, bordering on too busy. I technically have time to handle everything on my plate right now, plus more, but I am not too keen on burying myself in volunteer work all day. I have a husband, a house to maintain, kitties to play with and the time I spend reading technical articles and catching up with friends is crazy important to being happy. Having volunteer work turn into a chore is not something I’d like to see happen again.

Speaking of having a life away from my computer, most of my day today fit that. The weather hovered on “gloomy” all day, even if it didn’t end up raining. I was able to get grocery shopping done, run a bunch of errands. This afternoon I ended up at the video store and rented Spinal Tap (which I’d never seen) and Life of Brian, which I really should own but somehow don’t – too bad they weren’t selling it. I did buy Young Frankenstein, which is one of our favorite comedies, I was going to just rent it but renting was $4 and buying it new was only $10.

I also made the plunge to feisty today on my desktop. It was one of the zillions of journal entries I’ve seen lately about beryl that did it. I couldn’t be bothered previously to muck about with config files and graphics card settings to get it running in edgy, so the official support in feisty was a desirable feature. The upgrade went flawlessly, booting into the new kernel didn’t break anything! And beryl? 2 commands:

sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald-themes (installs stuff)
beryl-manage (starts beryl)

Voila! I was really impressed. It’s not flawless on my 5 year old machine (a little jitter when minimizing windows), but it’s quite usable. I won’t be using it full time, but it’s sure a cool thing to show off. When I showed it to Michael this afternoon it was as close to getting him to say “Maybe I should install Ubuntu” as I’ve ever gotten ;)

I’m upgrading to fiesty on my laptop as I’m writing this, somewhere in it’s lifetime (it started out as a breezy box) it appears to have gotten the impression that it’s running software raid, which is neat because it only has one harddrive. I need to track that down, the poor thing is quite confused and I have been getting a lot of mdadm errors during the upgrade… and I just saved this post to boot into my new feisty kernel. The upgrade wasn’t as flawless as my desktop one, I had to `dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` to get a resolution better than 800×600. Now opera is segfaulting, which is annoying. Nice, firefox just did too. Oh boy… must go off to investigate.