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Ubuntu (again!?), Steve Roach, our yard and this (long) weekend.

I’ll shut up about Ubuntu at some point, but I just have four things to say:

The Ubuntu PA LoCo Mailing list is finally up! – We’d been waiting for almost a month, serves us right for requesting it during the insanity around a version release when everyone is busy.

Dell is now shipping Ubuntu machines! – The $600 laptop is looking very appealing. I don’t use a laptop much so I don’t need a powerhouse, but my 500mhz Dell is going to need to retire eventually.

I added myself to the CommunityCouncilAgenda for Ubuntu Membership! I was going to wait until the LoCo team was approved, but I figure I have enough under my belt at this time to go for it and should stop dragging my feet. The meeting is on May 29 2007, 21:00 UTC (worldclock) – come support me! My wiki page is here: wiki.ubuntu.com/Pleia2.

I realized at the PACS meeting that I really am a Debian girl who only is brilliant with Ubuntu because of my Debian background. I use apt on the command line for all my package management and in general I just pretend that Ubuntu is Debian. It’s not, and I need to brush up on some Ubuntu-y things before the InstallFest next weekend (plus there is some Kubuntu work coming in at Work so I really should brush up on it since I’m now being touted as the Ubuntu Expert of the company). So I went ahead this morning and installed the ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop packages. I really don’t like KDE and Gnome, and my computer really starts showing it’s age when I load up full-bouncy KDE. But it should be fun to poke around and see what both have to offer these days, it’s been a while.

Moving on, we attended a Steve Roach concert last Saturday, Michael already blogged about it (his entry has pictures). This is the third time I’ve seen Steve Roach in concert, and as much as I am absolutely in love with Dreamtime Return and Structures from Silence, I haven’t been as into his newer stuff, and so the concerts I’ve attended have been less than impressive. This one changed all that – he kept to electronic and all of what I heard was new to me, it was an amazing show! And the place was packed, they sold out of tickets online days before the show and there were people who brought their own chairs because there weren’t enough pews in the church. How exciting!

Thusday evening I had plans to meet up with a few women I used to work with at my Accounts Payable job – but a couple of them were sick and had to cancel. I was really bummed out about it and ended up just going out for dinner with one of them. I had a nice time and she offered to come out sometime this weekend and help with my garden. Yay garden help! I sure need it.

Speaking of my yard, I mowed the lawn on Sunday and while I was finishing up our neighbor came by with his teenage son and offered to do it for $20 every other week. Wow! Can’t beat that for a half acre of hilly and rocky mowing! I agreed right away and now at least I won’t have to worry about doing that. I don’t mind mowing the lawn, but it really eats up a whole afternoon and when it gets hot I have trouble completing it at all (I am so useless in the heat). Perhaps with someone doing the lawn regularly I can focus more on getting my gardens under control.

Today I’m running off to get a haircut and my nails done, then we’re headed off to North Philly for the 80th birthday party of Michael’s grandmother (who is really awesome). It should turn out to be a nice day. Later we’ll probably be dragging the air conditioners out of storage to install them in my office and in the bedroom, it got up to almost 90 degrees yesterday! Intolerable. I’m just glad it didn’t get that hot in the house yesterday (woo for keeping windows closed and blinds drawn!).

And it’s a three day weekend here in the States – yay for Memorial Day! As much as I love my job (and I do), a day off is always nice.